Save £54K in 3 half-hours?

Save £54K in 3 half-hours?

Maintaining our national electrical infrastructure is a costly business. Charges over and above energy consumption costs, are known as DUoS and TNUoS and apply to business energy users to cover infrastructure maintenance.   DUoS (Distribution Use of System)The...

BeMS – There are horses for courses

BeMS – There are horses for courses

"Irus is more bespoke and sits in this market-place better than traditional BeMS" With the Business sector consuming 56% of the electricity generated in the UK and accounting for about half of all emissions, and the UKs obligation of 80% reduction in greenhouse gases...

A breath of fresh air

A breath of fresh air

It’s that time of year again, when we think perhaps this year our seasons will behave in the way we expect them to! Spring, springing with fresh new growth and optimism, Summer, all blue skies and warmth, strawberries and cream etc. We can but dream! In reality though...

Making kitchens safer

Making kitchens safer

Cookers left on is one of the most common causes of fire and a major problem for the fire service. There are many communal kitchen areas that could benefit from HobSafe, such as in hospitals, offices and student halls of residence. These days the quality of...