
The effects of the pandemic experienced over the past year extend beyond direct contact. Each of us is burdened with the responsibility of limiting our own risk for the benefit of those around us – not the easiest task if you’re the energy manager for a multi-resident accommodation and need to make adjustments to individual rooms!

 Older systems often require individual maintenance, which increases the exposure risk of staff to residents who may have the virus and are currently self-isolating. You can’t ignore the issues, nor can you simply “hope for the best” – and with Prefect Irus, you won’t need to.

Irus is a centrally controlled system, accessed via an internet portal. It enables Energy Managers to set temperatures/times for the 3-stage student profile. Setback mode is the default setting (typically 18°C), but if the student requires more heat, they simply tap the ‘up’ button triggering Boost mode (commonly 23°C). Boost runs for a pre-set time (45 minutes) before reverting to Setback. If the student leaves the room during Boost, the PIR detects their absence and reverts to Setback, likewise if windows are opened heat input is reduced by 50%. If rooms are vacant for longer periods (typically 12 hours), Frost mode is activated, maintaining at least 5°C. Irus also monitors humidity, light and decibel levels.

What does this all mean from a remote management perspective? It means the energy manager has complete control from the safety of the control room, making it much easier to reduce their own personal risk of contracting the virus by removing the need to physically interact with spaces that may be inhabited by self-isolating students or those who could be carrying the virus unaware, and should they themselves unknowingly be carrying the virus, reduces the risk of further spread to the students. This improves staff and student safety, whilst also improving the efficiency of identifying issues and implementing fixes and allowing 24hr monitoring and adjustments without the need to disturb residents.

Irus saves money, reduces energy consumption and provides live data about usage throughout the blocks, along with a host of other features. It’s not about whether or not your building can afford it – it’s if it can afford not to have it.