What is Irus Investigator?

Irus Investigator provides a snapshot of your property and enables you to pinpoint where issues may be occurring. All alerts can be viewed in one place along with a summary of current faults.

It visually represents the data generated by Irus on a floor plan. This will help you understand hot or cold spots within your building, occupancy patterns, noise levels, and trend analysis, among other things. This enables you to target problematic areas.

Environmnetal trends can be observed to assess the seriousness of issues and address them before they become significant problems.

Investigator can be used locally to address specific issues and understand intra-building issues but also centrally to help guide policy direction and decisions.

Used daily, Investigator will inform workflows for site-based teams, help you understand compliance with relevant H&S legislation and find outliers across all areas of Irus data. It can also be used intermittently to complete analysis on property performance and seasonal trends.

Investigator is a subscription service. Please use the form below to contact us for pricing: